Discover when and how to use warm and cool whites.
When to use warm whites
If you want to create a welcoming atmosphere, choose warm whites that have a little red or yellow in them. These hues create a soft and relaxing atmosphere, so ideal for bedroom and living room decor ideas. As warm whites reflect light well, they are also good to use in south-facing rooms, which often have less natural light than north-facing rooms.
When to use cool whites
Cool whites have blue, grey or green undertones, making them look crisp and clean. For a serene, contemporary home decor, try using cool whites to create strong silhouettes and sharp lines. You’ll find that they also do a great job of showing off striking accessories and artwork. A cool white colour palette is useful for small rooms, because it has the effect of making walls recede and so a space looks bigger. Cool whites also neutralise bright light, so work well in rooms that get a lot of sun, particularly in north and west-facing rooms.
Mix whites for a sophisticated interior design
If you’re feeling adventurous, have a go at colour combinations of warm and cool whites. Here, cool white walls and a warm white ceiling, floor and table create the perfect backdrop for ornate furniture, striking accessories and a beautiful rug. This creates a classic scheme that surprises in its sophisticated simplicity.
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